Saturday, June 23, 2007

Ever Onward

Yesterday was a fairly typical day. I came down out of the mountains and into something that was more or less civilization. My companions apparently didn't make it as none of them showed up to the lodging we were aiming for. I did run into another guy I've bumped into a couple times now and we both stayed the night at temple 47. Not bad accomodations. Had a fridge and microwave so I got a bit more variety in my diet.
Today was barely a day. Only had about 12k to cover as I wanted to end at temple 51 since the onsen near there is really famous. Really dissappointing as well. One bath only, no variety.
Another night in the temple. The room for this one is huge, but not much in the way of amenities. Its also used for traditional dance practice and all sortr of other local community things.
I was thinking my previous companions may catch up today, but no sign of them.
I've been taught the secret of all the free bread I could imagine. One of the interesting quirks of Japanese bakeries (and there are lots of bakeries here) is that they remove the heel from loves of bread (known as the bread's ears here). If you ask for these they gladly give you a giant bag of it. I picked up some jam at the grocery store and my breakfast and lunch just got a whole lot cheaper. The problem becomes carying it all. I've seen people who received a couple pounds worth.

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